Redefining Success: How To Create Your Own Path And Thrive
What does success mean to you? Have you actually spent some time to really think about this or clarify your own desires? I'd like to encourage you to truly think about this and consider your own personal fulfillment, happiness and authenticity. Success isn't a one-size-fits-all, nor is it what others decide for you. It is not defined by societal standards. Embracing a unique path, tailored to you, will leave you feeling both empowered and free. We have all probably felt, or recognised at some point how traditionally, society defines success through wealth, high status, the house, the partner, the family etc, ect. But I would encourage you to sit with yourself, take a few deep breaths and consider if these markers really resonate with your true self? Or have you been unconsciously influenced? Redefine Success for Yourself Some ways you can begin to define success on your own terms are: - Identify Your Core Values : Write down values that matter to you the most. Is it a family?