How I'm Trying To Overcome My Blocks


Here we are again... I'm back in unwanted familiar grounds. 
I've came to a headlock and I'm blocking myself with my business once again.

A little back story incase you don't know - 
It's been 3 years since I last launched a collection for my jewellery Nostalgic Feather

I even went back to study at a jewellery school here in London to boost my confidence.
At the end of my course I was raring to go and couldn't wait to get back at the bench and practise my improved skills furthermore and see what that could bring to my designs going forward.

Although I allowed myself some time off, after 10 months of none stop 6 day weeks! It was needed.
I can FEEL the too familiar self doubt and negative voice in me again that is stopping me from doing anything.

Making jewellery is my passion and when ever I sit and actually do it, I light up. 
There's only two places I get this feeling, at the bench and at the gym when I'm working out.

However, even though I know this, I am still blocking myself from actually sitting at that bench and creating.


It's basically fear of what I make not being good enough.
When I think of beautiful jewellery in my mind, I get excited, inspired and enthusiastic about creating. But then I remember the times I struggle at the bench and make mistake after mistake and feel useless (which is actually pretty common with jewellers, there are always those days!)
It's also comparing myself to others. As we know the jewellery industry is saturated and even though I've had my business since 2014, I have been pretty stagnant with it while others have blossomed. 
I know it's me, myself that is keeping me on this low vibe!

So, I'm writing this to not only hold myself accountable but also in the hope it helps anyone else out there who's on the same page as me, push through! Lets push through together!

Here are 5 tips/steps I'm taking to try and overcome my blocks:

1. Face my fears
Easier said than done. But the simple fact is you gotta just push through, and push through that negative self doubt. The confidence and self doubt for me is something I'm working on, have been for years, may have to always be, but hopefully it's a slow but worthwhile battle!
The way I'm trying to flip this in my mind is to think - it's better to try, than do nothing at all. Plus the only way my jewellery designs are going to improve is through practise. The more I make the better they get.

2. Work On My Diptheory 
 I've been really wanting to finetune my business and learn how to, not only build a community through my brand but to be able to storytell successfully in a way that people really feel connected to my brand and the pieces I design. After all my brand was built from the feeling of nostalgia and life connections and the memories we hold dear that will stay with us as a blessing throughout our lives.
I was recently watching a talk with Lisa Nichols about the art of storytelling. She goes into something she calls the "dip theory" which in short has you thinking about and being able to express not only your highlights but your lowest of the low moments, the struggles and then to where you are now, or where you want to be, the light at the end of the tunnel if you will. 
Suddenly realising that my dips are not fails but a part of my story makes me realise how I DO stand out from other jewellery designers, because no one has the EXACT same story and that is what makes us stand out from the herd. 
I find taking this view and realising that I can use these dips as part of my brand story helps me break away from the blocks!
You can watch the video here.

3. Obligation 
 Not so fun fact about me - I'm turning 37 real soon, I still flat share in London and I'm constantly broke, living in my overdraft always.
One real good way I'm thinking might work to get over any block is the thought of keeping myself here! 
Don't get me wrong, I am aware how privileged I am and I always try and look at the positives in life. I am grateful for what I already have and the fact I am healthy and have loving friends and family tops it all really. I appreciate the small things, I really do. 

But at the same time I do have ambitions and I would love to be able to have my own studio/cute boho vibes boutique with a workspace in too one day, rather than the wobbly metal desk I have in my room with very, very limited space which is very uninspiring.
So I'm making it my OBLIGATION to push down my negative thoughts about my business and make it my obligation to create, to work hard, to try my very best.

4. Take It Slow And Enjoy Where I am Now
I've come to realise that one of the biggest things holding me back too often is I get overwhelmed and want to skip past the whole journey in between and just be at the end product! Which is insane actually, as I described in Tip 2 ,the inbetween parts are just as important. So rather than anxiously thinking about getting to the "end",  where ever that even is! (Which then makes me do nothing at all!)
I am going to slow down and enjoy the journey. 
One thing that really hit me when I was tested with projects at the jewellery school is actually what a process making jewellery by hand is, it is not something to be rushed and all the little parts and details take time and patience. So not only do I need to appreciate this in making jewellery but also every other aspect.

5. Go Back To Having Fun
When I started making jewellery I just did it because it was fun and I enjoyed it. I wasn't thinking too hard about the designs I was creating, I just went through intuition and what spoke with me. It was so carefree and I feel that's when I was at my best.
I really started over thinking everything and the jewellery I thought people wanted (and probably wasn't anyway) 
I kind of lost myself and my style over the years.
I think the only way I'm going to get this back and to overcome that block is to get out of my head and remember I do this because I enjoy it and creating these magical pieces of jewellery is a blessing and that actually is the best confidence booster.
So I'm going to try my best to get out of my head, put no pressure on myself and creating some pieces of jewellery maybe just for myself and see what comes from that.

If I never do make this business of mine into something at least I know I tried and never gave up. I'm no longer counting the times i've failed, but the times I've got back up...

Ok now I have wrote this all down and pressed the "publish' button. If you're reading this please do come follow me on my instagram - NF Jewellery where I am trying to be more active and if you see me doing nothing give me a strong word :)

Also leave a comment if you're in the same boat/this helps in anyway and we can help each other through



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