Hello September 2024 🌖


What better time to make a reappearance than September? Not only my birthday month, but also the time of the year, I know a lot of people feel ready to set new goals, be inspired and like it's a fresh beginning actually more than they do in january at the start of a new year.

It is also a new moon in Virgo, meaning a time for reformulating

Some notes and energies I am bringing awareness to and bringing in that you could too, are:

(These all tie in together)

1. Reflecting - On previous goals made at the start of 2024. How far you've come and even if you do still have outstanding goals, be grateful and proud of all you have achieved.

2. Letting go of old habits - Letting go of any limiting beliefs, negative thoughts and any other damaging and self sabotaging actions and thoughts that limit your potential.

3. Knowing your worth - Once acknowledging and reflecting on these things that are keeping you small, remind yourself of who you truly are, know your power and let go of anything that is holding you back. 

4. Reclaim your energy and desires - Go back to your inner self and truely listen to your intuition. Replace these old habits and thoughts with positive, higher frequency, healthy and empowering rituals and mindset. Look inwards for all the love, reassurance, validation you seek, not outwards.

5. Working through the resistance - There will always be conflicts and challenges brought to test you, push through these turbulent times and stay true to what your soul is telling you.

6. Be Open and ready for renewal - Get ready!

I'd love to know your thoughts and how you are feeling about this new season/new moon/new month? What is inspiring you?



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